Proud Family Printing Business

Rose City Label is a thriving, Proud Family Printing Business in Portland, OR.  We are growing and investing as we continue to help more and more customers.  We have many things to be proud of and many reasons for our success, but being a family owned and operated business is at the top of the list.

Family Business From the Beginning

My sister and co-owner, Whitney,and I were fortunate to grow up in the business.  This is all we knew growing up and that gave us a great foundation to build on.  We weren’t forced into the business in any way, but the idea of owning and operating a business just seemed natural from a young age.  Having our Dad as a role model always gave us a great standard to strive for.  When tough decisions have to be made in the business today, we often ponder what he would have done, even though he passed away almost 20 years ago.  He taught us to be part of a Proud Family Printing Business before we even had an inkling about our career direction.

What Does it Mean Today?

Even though none of our children are actively involved in the business, we still try to build a family atmosphere with our crew.  The family aspect extends just beyond our (Pillsbury) family into other families.  We have multiple husband and wife teams, a father and son, and some close friends that have worked here over the years.  Together we have seen kids grow up, marriages begin and end, and every other form of joy and tragedy that you typically find in a family.  We have seen it all here within our Rose City Label family.

Why is this important?

Having this foundation gives us a deeper connection than a typical co-working relationship. Yes, we get upset with each other and don’t always treat people with perfect courtesy, but we have a bond and a connection that goes beyond the norm.  With many 20 year employees, we keep a long term perspective in mind.  Business is booming right now, but we know that won’t last forever.  We keep an eye to the down side and always protect the long term health of the business.  This is always our primary focus – keeping the proud family printing business solid for the future.

How Do Customers Benefit?

  1. Family Business Does Better than Average

    This post back in 2015 shows research data that family business outperforms the non-family business by 4x over the period of 2005-2015.  Click here to read the full article.  The article details several reasons for this success, including deep leadership experience (for generations) and smart capital investment.

  2. Resources are Available to Help – OSU Austin Family Business School

    The OSU Austin Family Business program has been very good to us. They offer seminars and professional connections to help people just like us.  They have great respect among the Oregon family business community. It is refreshing to meet and network with people that have a common experience.  Check out their site by clicking here.  We recently presented to the senior class studying family business – see that post by clicking here.

  3. We are Good At Being a Family Business

    Back in 2015 we were honored by the OSU program as the Austin Family Business of the Year!  We were humbled and thankful for this great recognition.  Mostly, it is a nice reinforcement that we are doing many  things right and carrying on our father’s legacy with honor.  Click here to see the post about this award.  Click here to view the YouTube video

Thank you- You are Part of Our Family Too!

We couldn’t do any of this without you, our loyal customers.  Each day we ask what is best for YOU, the customer, and what our Dad would do in the same situation.  Please keep us in mind for any custom label printing projects.  If you aren’t in the family yet, we would love to welcome you into the group.