Rose City Label is once again proud to be a part of the Oak Knoll/Rose Festival Wine Project. Each year the Rose Festival sponsors a contest for art students to help design the annual commemorative label. Rose City Label helps with design judging, and also gives the students hands on experience seeing the actual label printed.
A panel of judges including Rose City Label’s Shaun Harris met at the Oregon College of Art and Craft, 8245 S.W. Barnes Rd. Portland to decide which creative entry they will keep as the 2010 Rose Festival/Oak Knoll Wine Label Contest winner.The winning student will receive a $500 scholarship, special showings and a bonus educational opportunity with professionals at Rose City Label who will work with the student to tweak and refine the work to industry label standards.
For over 20 years Oak Knoll Winery has supported art, education and the Rose Festival with its student label contest. Featuring Oregon’s popular Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir, this year’s special selection comes from the 2008 vintage.
To learn more about how we can get your wine in the spotlight, please contact us today.