This beautiful 2 Color label was a perfect way for our good customer, Lachini Vineyards, to extend their product line without diluting their main premium wine brand, they wanted to create a secondary label that was very distinct from the look and feel of their main product line.
This wine will be sold for a much lower price point, so the label also had to be cost effective. With a very simple, understated design, combined with the embossing effect, all parties were pleased with the end result. This label will cost about half of what the standard premium wine label costs, but it still has a very eye-catching look that will help the wine stand out on the shelf.
Creative solutions are what we do best at Rose City Label — give us a challenge and we will meet it for you. If you want to extend your product line – either up or down the quality scale – we can help you with a design and printing method to meet all your marketing goals.