Sustainable Leadership
A major label trade magazine -Label and Narrow Web – recently featured Rose City Label in a vendor case study. Read the full case study here on our website. They discussed the reasons and benefits for our move to water wash printing plates. The article is very complimentary to our company and underscores our commitment to sustainability. We previously discussed our move to water wash plates in this blog post. We are proud of our sustainable leadership.
The Plates are Fantastic
Sustainable leadership doesn’t mean you have to settle for low quality products. We are getting massive environmental benefits from these plates, but also getting very fast, clean printing plates on press. If the plates didn’t print well, we wouldn’t be making this move – even with the environmental improvement. The product has to work, and this one does work very well. Our press operators love them and our plate maker has enjoyed the learning process. Read the news update about our sustainable leadership here on the Label and Narrow Web website.
No More Chemicals in Plate Making
For many years, the last remaining regulated chemicals in our business were the solvents used to make plates. This was never a dangerous chemical, but it didn’t smell very good and had to be recycled by a special service. Eliminating this from our building made everyone happy – especially our plate maker that deals with them nearly every day.
Sustainable Leadership Numbers Don’t Lie
Even with the move to water wash plates – our water usage is still going down! Water usage is down 33% in 2020 vs. 2019 despite business remaining very strong. We continue to reduce waste and resource consumption. Sustainable leadership starts from the front – we have to walk the talk so we measure everything and share the results with our team. Everyone is proud to work for a company that is doing the right thing. Our results were shared recently in this post. We feel it is important to share the information so people know we are taking our sustainable leadership seriously.
We Got Great Support from APR
Customers are critical to our success, but so are great vendors and employees. Without the support of our vendors, many of our technical advances would not be possible. In this case, All Print Resources – APR, was a great partner for us in this transition. They shared the case study on their website here. Thanks APR for the excellent support.
We Can Help You Too
Part of our responsibility is to help other people get better on their sustainable journey. We want to be mentors and leaders to other business leaders in our community. If you want to learn more about our journey, or get tips on how to get started, please let us know. We want to help you on your journey to sustainable leadership. There is plenty of opportunity for all of us to improve. Call us today – we can help.